Crafting data-informed decarbonization strategies with Act's new analysis functionalities

Crafting data-informed decarbonization strategies with Act's new analysis functionalities

Discover the new Act Analytics functionalities and how to enhance your decarbonization efforts with insights into your emissions data, identification of necessary reduction efforts, and progress tracking.

Elise Devaux
Elise Devaux
July 2, 2024
# min read
Table of contents


Introduction to Act Analytics

Act is the decarbonization module of the Cozero carbon management platform, designed to help you analyze, plan, and track your emission reductions effectively. 

As with financial planning, decarbonization planning requires a well-defined accounting structure, a granular overview of your emission balance sheet, and tools and methodology to make projections and track key indicators. 

We’re pleased to introduce the new Act Analytics page, a new release that adds additional analysis functionalities to provide these planning capabilities.

This article presents three new graphs available in Act Analytics:

  • Emission hotspot analysis,
  • Required reduction effort 
  • Year-on-year development. 
The new analytics page in the Act module adds additional analysis functionalities for data-driving decarbonization planning capabilities.

Understand where to focus your decarbonization efforts with the Emission hotspot analysis graph 


The new emission hotspot analysis breaks down emissions at various levels, showcasing emissions at the Scope-, emission category-, or business activity- level. 


This graph will help you easily drill down into emissions data and quickly identify emission hotspots in your organization. This graph is an ideal starting point for building your decarbonization strategy. By enabling you to gather precise data on emission hotspots, the report helps you autonomously decide how to prioritize reduction efforts in your value chain for the highest impact. It facilitates informed decision-making and prioritizes actions that significantly reduce your carbon footprint.

How it works

The nested table allows you to drill down into your emission data to gather insights on emission hotspots. Each row expands to let you delve into the data across Scopes and activities up to the business activity level. 

With the filtering systems, you can search for a specific activity or emission category and assess its footprint impact. This enables you to explore your product or company footprint in a very precise way, pinpointing areas for action in your reduction planning.

The platform provides assessments to help you easily triage high, medium, or lower-importance hotspots and allows you to pin the hotspot you want to address.


Suppose you want to understand the emissions associated with your German locations. You can filter the data to view Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the GHG protocol categories specific to this location. This detailed view helps pinpoint high-emission areas, such as energy use or transportation.

Identify needed efforts with the required reduction effort graph


The required reduction effort analysis uses a waterfall chart to highlight the gap between forecasted and target emissions.


This chart helps you understand where you stand at the beginning of your decarbonization journey and where to allocate resources effectively when starting to plan your climate actions. It lets you analyze your reduction efforts and understand the gap between forecast and target emissions.

How it works

This chart provides a clear picture of the emissions you must reduce to meet your targets by displaying the emissions of your baseline year, the forecast from your business-as-usual forecast , and your target emissions. It breaks down the necessary reduction efforts into manageable segments, showing how far you are from your goals and what steps you need to take.


Imagine your company aims to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 100% until 2050. The waterfall chart will show the baseline year emission levels, forecasted emissions based on a business-as-usual forecast that accounts for external factors like company growth and market decarbonization, and the additional efforts required to close the gap. This visual representation helps understand the possible gaps and plan accordingly.

Cozero's Act required efforts graph helps you understand the gap between forecast and target emissions

Track your progress with the year-on-year development graph


The year-on-year development analysis presents a yearly projection of your company’s forecasted reductions as well as its targeted and actual emissions.


This analysis helps track emission progressions year by year, providing clear insights into whether your company’s climate actions are effective and if the strategy is on track to meet long-term goals.

How it works

This feature includes a line graph and a table that breaks down the data by Scope. It shows past performance and projects future trends, helping you assess whether your company is on track with its decarbonization strategy.

Using Act Analytics in your decarbonization strategy

In the new Act Analytics page, we aim to offer your team the right tools to plan and track your reduction strategy. We emphasize autonomy by making these analytics as self-service as possible, focusing on building easy-to-use and customizable tools for sustainability teams.

Built on the principles of financial planning tools, Act leverages emission accounting data to assist users in making informed decisions and mitigating risks associated with climate strategies.

The Act decarbonization module is connected to the accounting module, Log, to provide access to granular emission data. This enables you to identify key areas for climate action, forecast future emissions, and track progress against reduction targets. 

This data-driven approach ensures that decisions are based on solid evidence rather than assumptions, making every climate action you take effective in reducing your carbon footprint and achieving your company's sustainability targets.

Existing users can contact their account manager for a tour of these new features. For more information about Act, book a demo with our team.

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