Erfassen und teilen Sie den CO2-Fußabdruck Ihrer Produkte

Bringen Sie mit unserem PCF-Rechner CO2-Transparenz in jeden Schritt Ihrer Produktreise ein.

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an assembly line with a car being worked on
manufacturing emissions management

Der Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) bewertet die Emissionen, die mit dem Lebenszyklus eines Produkts verbunden sind, von der Herstellung bis zur Entsorgung.

Wie funktioniert ein PCF?

Ein PCF misst, wie viele Treibhausgasemissionen (THG) mit dem Lebenszyklus eines Produkts von der Herstellung bis zur Entsorgung verbunden sind.

Was sind die Schwierigkeiten bei der Berechnung eines PCF?

Die Messung von Produktemissionen ist mit Herausforderungen verbunden, wie z. B. der begrenzten Verfügbarkeit von Daten entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette und sich stetig weiterentwickelnden Methoden.

Warum die Product Carbon Footprint Software?

Die PCF-Lösung kann die Einbindung von Lieferanten während der Datenerfassung unterstützen und Benchmarks für Produktemissionen der Branche bereitstellen, um die Herausforderungen der PCF-Messung zu bewältigen.

Erfassen Sie PCFs und erhöhen Sie die Transparenz

Digitalisieren Sie Produktdaten
Automatisieren Sie die Emissionsberechnung
Verbinden Sie sich mit Ihrem Lieferantennetzwerk
Berichten Sie den CO2-Fußabdruck Ihrer Produkte

eine Lösung für den CO2-Fußabdruck von Produkten, der Nachhaltigkeits- und ESG-Experten vertrauen

dmg mori
dmg mori
dmg mori

Ein vollständiges Bild Ihrer Produktemission von der Wiege bis zur Bahre

Erstellen Sie ein umfassendes Profil des CO2-Fußabdrucks Ihrer Produkte über den gesamten Lebenszyklus.

Greifen Sie auf eine Datenbank mit branchen- und lieferantenspezifischen Emissionsfaktoren zu.
Identifizieren Sie Emissions-Hotspots in Ihrer Produktkette mit granularen Analysen.
Product carbon footprint

Integrierte Datenerfassung

Optimieren Sie die Erfassung von Datenquellen für Ihr Unternehmen und alle Stakeholder im Bereich Nachhaltigkeit.

Binden Sie Lieferanten über die Plattform ein, um Primärdaten zu sammeln.
Passen Sie Emissionsfaktoren mit lieferantenspezifischen Daten an.
Laden Sie Daten aus Ihren internen ERP-, PLM- oder CAD-Systemen hoch.
Product carbon footprint

Übereinstimmung mit Standards und Zertifizierungen

Reduzieren Sie regulatorische Risiken und erfüllen Sie problemlos bestehende Standards und Berichtsanforderungen.

Folgen Sie den Kategorien des GHG-Protokolls.
Orientieren Sie sich an den ISO-Standards 14067, 14040 und 14044.
Carbon reporting

Entdecken Sie unsere anderen Lösungen

a tall blue building with a red and white fire escape

CO2-Fußabdruck des Unternehmens (CCF)

Messen Sie die Auswirkungen Ihres Unternehmens auf die Umwelt umfassend mit unserem granularen CO2-Fußabdruck-Rechner.

a person holding a box with a piece of tape on it

Einbindung von Lieferanten (Umfang 3)

Fordern Sie Daten direkt von Ihren Lieferanten an und verbessern Sie die Granularität und Berichterstattung der Scope-3-Emissionen.

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Überschrift 6

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.

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Olaf Zimmlinghaus

Executive Director - General Affairs and Finance EMEA at NX Europe
Olaf Zimmlinghaus

Achieving our sustainability goals to combat climate change holds a special place within the NX Group. Our well-defined sustainability goals are not only deeply embedded in our operations but also subject to continuous monitoring of success. The data-driven solution provided by Cozero enables us to implement sustainability transformation into our corporate planning.

Christian Grosse

Maersk E-Delivery Chief Product Officer in Europe
Christian Grosse

With Cozero’s technology we can provide our customers with detailed information on their emissions on every step and component of their international parcels' journey. This will help them to make smart choices and significantly reduce their GHG footprint.

Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis

Jury of the German Sustainability Award
Deutscher Nachhaltigkeitspreis

What is remarkable is the high quality and transparency of the emission data, which can be managed in a simple and comprehensible way, thus facilitating decisions for the future. Alongside digitization, climate protection is one of the major transformation challenges of our time that all companies will have to face sooner or later. There is no question that this can only work in tune with economic success.

Robert Reisch

CEO at Gentner Verlag
Robert Reisch

Cozero is a great solution, not only to manage emissions easily, but also to allow for the transformational shift of an organization. Content is one piece of the puzzle here.

Tobias Steinegger

Head of Corporate Responsibility at Mammut Sports Group
Tobias Steinegger

Cozero‘s platform allows me to extract insightful reports on data analysis, which helps to ensure that we tackle the most important challenges first.  With a clear data entry process, different options for data ingestion and a well-arranged dashboard to store all relevant findings I am able to gain a holistic overview of our emission profile at Mammut.

Dominique Breuer

Sustainability Manager at OMR
Dominique Breuer

We don't just want to understand what OMR's carbon footprint is. We want to work specifically on reducing our emissions significantly. This year we laid the foundation by creating as much transparency as possible.

André Christ

CEO and Co-founder
André Christ

Cozero helped us professionalize our carbon emission tracking. Now, we are confident to take data-backed decisions on how to reduce our footprint.

Lutz Fricke

Head of Sustainability at MOSOLF SE & Co. KG
Lutz Fricke

At MOSOLF, we are transforming our business model by “measuring, improving and talking”. The basis of every improvement is reliable measurement. With Cozero we work very closely on the constant development of our carbon footprint. Long-term and trusting cooperation is important to me personally. Because this is the only way we can improve sustainably. In this sense, Cozero is exactly the partner for us.

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Can I assess different lifecycle phases in the Product Carbon Footprint calculations?

Absolutely. Our PCF solution enables you to assess and analyze the carbon footprint across various lifecycle phases, from raw material extraction to end-of-life disposal. This comprehensive approach ensures a thorough understanding of the environmental impact at every stage, empowering your organization to identify opportunities for improvement.  

How do I measure the carbon footprint of a product using your solution?

Measuring the carbon footprint of a product with our carbon management solution is straightforward. As a user, you input lifecycle data into the interface, covering raw materials, manufacturing, transportation, and end-of-life impacts. We align these inputs with recognized emission categories and, following reporting frameworks like the GHG Protocol. Our system then fetches LCA data from our extensive database, translating each input into precise emission outputs. This automated process ensures an accurate and detailed carbon footprint assessment for your product.

Can I use the Product Carbon Footprint calculator for my specific industry or product type?

Our Product Carbon Footprint (PCF) solution is designed to be highly adaptable, catering to a diverse range of industries and product types such as manufacturing, logistics, or other connected industries. We are continuously developing our PCF calculator to accommodate the unique aspects of these industries, ensuring accurate and relevant carbon footprint assessments.

Can I generate a detailed Product Carbon Footprint report for internal use or external disclosure?

Absolutely. Our PCF solution allows you to generate comprehensive and customizable reports detailing the carbon footprint of your products. These reports can be utilized for internal decision-making processes or external disclosure, ensuring transparency and accountability in your organization's sustainability efforts.

Is there a limit to the number of Product Carbon Footprints I can calculate using your solution?

No, there's no limit. Our PCF solution allows you to calculate thousands of Product Carbon Footprints. This flexibility enables your organization to comprehensively assess the environmental impact of all your products, facilitating informed sustainability decisions across your entire product portfolio.

How are emissions factors sourced in your Product Carbon Footprint solution?

Emission factors within our PCF solution are derived from reputable public and private LCA databases, with a significant reliance on Ecoinvent.

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a group of people sitting around a table with a laptop