Streamline your CBAM reporting

Prepare EU-ready CBAM reporting, engage suppliers to collect primary data, and calculate accurate emissions for imported goods.

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CBAM footprint

About the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)

Why does CBAM compliance matter?

The new CBAM policy is a carbon pricing mechanism that requires companies to report the embedded emissions of their products and buy CBAM certificates.

What are the challenges of CBAM reporting?

Collecting emissions data from all your suppliers is complex, time-consuming, and prone to errors. Ensuring accurate calculations and full compliance requires significant effort.

Why opt for CBAM software?

A CBAM-ready carbon management tool is an ideal approach for CBAM reporting as it helps you automate supplier data collection, ensures accurate calculations and prepares audit-ready emission reports.

Manage CBAM data confidently

Map and document suppliers
Automate emission calculation
Request primary data
Export CBAM-required data

a carbon management solution trusted by sustainability and esg profesionnals

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Save time on supplier data management

Automate the collection of primary data from your suppliers, eliminating manual processes and reducing the risk of errors. Invite them to calculate CBAM-relevant Product Carbon Footprint data and share custom emission factors.

Supplier engagement

Centralize and document data collection requests

Leverage a centralized supplier data request history to stay compliant when using average emission data. The platform keeps track of your requests so you can easily demonstrate attempts to collect primary data.

Automate CBAM-related emission calculations

Apply supplier-specific emissions factors and automatically calculate imported goods emissions data granularly. Differentiate between direct and indirect emissions.

CBAM good

Reduce CBAM certificate costs and optimize your supply chain

Use our built-in CBAM dashboard to monitor the evolution of your emissions and costs over time. Analyze supply chain hotspots to identify low-emissions suppliers for strategic cost optimization.

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Empreinte carbone du produit (PCF)

Obtenez des informations sur l'impact de vos produits grâce à l'analyse de la chaîne de valeur des émissions et identifiez les domaines à améliorer.

a person holding a box with a piece of tape on it

Engagement des fournisseurs (Scope 3)

Demandez des données directement à vos fournisseurs et améliorez la granularité et les rapports sur les émissions de Scope 3.

Isa Kohn

Manager Climate Strategy & Disclosure
Isa Kohn

The Cozero software is an essential tool for us to efficiently measure our emissions and target progress. It makes the data collection process much easier, as we can access the latest calculation methods and emission factors at any time. In view of increasing regulations, the decision to use a software solution was crucial in order to bundle resources and focus on the most important tasks.

Dr. Ulf Narloch

Dr. Ulf Narloch

CBAM is a game changer for global supply chains. It brings implementation challenges for emissions reporting. But this new carbon transparency is an opportunity to shift towards greener, more competitive supply chains. With Cozero's solution and CO2 IQ services, companies can integrate accurate emissions data and decarbonization strategies to better manage CBAM costs and gain a competitive edge.

Christian Grosse

Maersk E-Delivery Chief Product Officer in Europe
Christian Grosse

With Cozero’s technology we can provide our customers with detailed information on their emissions on every step and component of their international parcels' journey. This will help them to make smart choices and significantly reduce their GHG footprint.

Fonctionnalités permettant d'automatiser les rapports CBAM

Base de données des facteurs d'émission conforme à l'UE
Tableau de bord pour les émissions associées au CBAM
Accès permettant aux fournisseurs de calculer leurs émissions
Facteurs d'émission spécifiques aux fournisseurs
Module d'empreinte carbone du produit (PCF)
Exports XML et XLS

Questions fréquemment posées

How can I reduce my CBAM-related costs?

Switching to low-carbon suppliers, decarbonizing your supply chain, and improving the energy efficiency of your imported goods can help reduce your CBAM costs. Leveraging CBAM credits from the country of origin can also provide relief.

What data do I need from my suppliers for CBAM reporting?

You need detailed emissions data from the production process, including the carbon intensity of the goods you import. If actual data cannot be obtained, a record of attempts to collect it must be provided.

What are the important dates in CBAM implementation?

The CBAM transitional phase began on October 1, 2023, with full reporting requirements in place by 2026. By 2034, free carbon allowances in the EU will be phased out, and CBAM will be fully operational.

What does a CBAM report include?

A CBAM report should include a quarterly breakdown of imported precursor quantity by CN codes, country of origin, production facility, and date of import (unlike in carbon accounting practices, the date of import is decisive, not the date of purchase). It should also contain the embedded direct and indirect emissions of the precursor, including emissions from the production processes (heating, cooling, electricity) as well as those from materials consumed in the production process. And finally, it needs to include information about any carbon price that has already been paid in the imported precursor’s country of origin.

Who is responsible for the CBAM reporting?

The person who declares the importation of relevant goods inherits the CBAM reporting responsibility. This is typically the importer of goods but it can also be an indirect customs representative (e.g. when the importer is established outside of the European Union). Customs will inform importers of CBAM goods of their reporting obligations at the moment of import.

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